tug commit

Commit using conventional commit message

tug commit [type] [subject] [flags]


# Commit a new feature (feat: a new feature)
$ tug commit feat a new feature

# Commit a fix that brings breaking changes (fix!: API break)
$ tug commit fix -c API break

# Add a scope to the commit (refactor(scope): a scopped refactor)
$ tug commit refactor a scopped refactor -s scope

# Open your editor to edit the commit message
$ tug commit ci -e message

# Ammend last commit type
$ tug commit -a -t fix


  -a, --amend              Amend commit
  -c, --breaking-changes   Commit contains breaking changes
  -e, --edit               Prompt editor to edit your message (add body or/and footer(s))
  -f, --fill               Use commit message provider to fill the message
  -h, --help               help for commit
  -s, --scope string       Add a scope
  -t, --type string        Commit types [build ci chore docs feat fix perf refactor style test auto]


  • tug - Set of opinionated git plugins.
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 31-Mar-2023

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